Welcome to Calcaria: A Gateway to Programming Excellence

Programming, a skill that has become indispensable in today’s digital world, is no longer just for IT professionals. From young children to adults, learning to code is increasingly seen as a crucial factor for educational development and career advancement. Among the many coding schools and online courses, Calcaria stands out as a beacon for those who want to dive into the world of software development.

Calcaria offers a range of programming courses tailored for different age groups and expertise levels. From young learners just starting with IT basics to adults looking to specialize in front-end development, the school provides a structured path to mastering programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python.

Course Offerings

Our foundational courses, such as the IT Start for Kids, equip the youngest minds with the essentials of computer science over a span of two years. For adults, courses such as Front-end Basic and Front-end Pro delve into the complexities of developing websites and applications using modern frameworks and languages, ensuring that every student gains the skills they need to navigate and succeed in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Welcome to Calcaria: A Gateway to Programming Excellence

Calcaria, a programming school known for its comprehensive and engaging curriculum, serves a diverse audience, from young beginners to experienced developers. The school’s philosophy is simple yet profound: to lay a strong foundation in programming from an early age and to refine and specialize these skills as students progress through different levels of knowledge.

The school offers a variety of courses that are carefully designed to meet the needs of students at every stage of their learning journey. For the youngest students, the IT Start for Kids program introduces the basic concepts of computer science and programming in a fun, interactive way. This two-year course is designed to ignite a passion for technology and help children dive into the complex world of IT with ease and confidence.

Exploring Calcaria’s Core Programming Courses

As students grow and their interests become more defined, Calcaria offers specialized courses to meet these evolving needs. The Front-end Basic course is a great starting point for those interested in the visual aspects of web development. Here, students learn how to create interfaces that users interact with using languages such as HTML, CSS, and introductory JavaScript. This course not only teaches the basics of coding, but also emphasizes the importance of design principles, user experience, and responsive layouts.

For those who want to delve deeper into the technical aspects of front-end development, the Front-end Pro course offers an in-depth curriculum with a focus on JavaScript and popular libraries such as React. This program is designed for individuals who want to master the creation of complex web applications. The comprehensive nature of this course ensures that students not only learn the syntax of programming languages, but also understand how to solve real-world problems with code.

The field of programming is vast and constantly evolving, and Calcaria keeps up with these changes by offering courses on the latest technologies and advanced programming languages. “JavaScript Basic” serves as a bridge for beginners to move on to the intermediate level, where they learn more about programming logic, data structures, and algorithms.

Advanced Programming

  • JavaScript Basics – Understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript.
  • React and Node.js – Focused studies on popular libraries and runtime environments.
  • TypeScript and Software Testing – Comprehensive courses on static typing and QA.

Why Choose Calcaria?

JavaScript BasicIntroductory course covering basic programming concepts and syntax.6 months
Front-end ProIn-depth study of JavaScript and React for complex applications.1 year
TypeScriptLearn to enhance JavaScript with types for large-scale projects.5 months

FAQs About Our Programming Courses

What age groups do the courses cater to?

Our courses cater to all age groups, starting with children from the age of 7 in the IT Start for Kids program to adults looking to switch careers or deepen their technical expertise.

Are there online options available?

Yes, Calcaria offers both online and in-person classes to accommodate students from all over the globe.

How are the courses structured?

Courses are project-based, ensuring practical learning and application of skills taught. Detailed curriculums are provided at the start of the course.

For more details on how our programming courses can help you or your child, visit our official course page.